Don’t Forget Your Sunglasses
It’s time to start thinking about those relaxing summer nights. We know that outdoor lighting is important for your nighttime safety… but not safety alone. You want that “Pop” and stunning first impression when your invited guests arrive for an evening dinner or refreshing moonlight libation.
Don’t worry, Shady Tree’s team is here. From patio lighting to pool lighting, and all between our team of experts can sit down to understand your vision, budget, and timelines. We’ll work with you to develop a comprehensive installation that meets your needs.
Before you even start, it’s important to know the type of light bulbs you need. So think of important questions, such as the amount of “lumens” you need, which measure the intensity of light. Here’s a quick rundown of the lumens by lightbulb.
Source: Arch Daily
Energy Today recommends the following lumens for each outdoor lighting space:
Path lighting:100-200 lumens
Step lights: 12-100 lumens
Floodlights: 700-1300 lumens
Motion sensor lights: 300-700 lumens
Pond/pool lights: 200-400 lumens
Hardscape lights (on walls): 50-185
So now you know about lumens, are you ready to choose the right type of light bulbs! Here are a few basics on the types of light bulbs:
Incandescent Bulbs – At one time the most commonly used bulb and now being slowly phased out. They last about 700 to 1,000 hours and can be used as a dimmer, but is known for not being as energy efficient.
Halogen Bulbs – They are similar to incandescent bulbs, but give the closest approximation of natural daylight; thus, called the “white light.” They are more expensive, but also more energy efficient. At one time the most common bulb used in outdoor lighting, now has gave way to LED.
Fluorescent Bulbs – There are many types of fluorescent bulbs. From warm to cool, they produce more light and last longer, so they would work well in larger areas, such as basements.
LED Bulbs – These bulbs are long-lasting and some of the most energy-efficient. Widely used today for all lighting situations indoors and out. As technology advanced and costs came down, LED quickly became the primary bulbs used in outdoor lighting today.
So why Shady Tree?
Peace of Mind and Security - We know the importance of security and safety in outdoor lighting. Your safety is our #1 priority.
Cost - We provide low voltage lighting efficiency to accumulate significant long-term savings.
Beauty - Emphasize the most attractive features of your property!
Customization - We can install lighting that connects with WiFi and home automation applications that will allow you to customize your programming needs.
Don’t just enjoy your yard during the day. Be sure to utilize your pool, patio, gardens, and grill at night, and take comfort in the added security of an illuminated home and landscape.
Give us a call now to learn how we can light your needs!
Since 1991, Shady Tree Landscaping has been the leading outdoor landscaper in New England. We provide complete residential, commercial, municipal and athletic field, maintenance, construction and full irrigation services including installations.