7 Ways to Landscape your way into Fall

Fall is coming! As the leaves change color, now is also a good time to change the way you care for your lawn in order to prepare it for the cooler weather ahead. As temperatures drop and the days grow shorter,  grass growth begins to slow down. But during this time the grass is also absorbing energy, moisture, and nutrients, and the cool and moist weather helps grass roots develop much better than in summer. Taking advantage of this growing period now will give you a lush, healthy spring lawn. 

 1.     Keep a watering schedule:

Continue to provide supplemental moisture as needed until the ground is frozen. If your area receives one inch or more of precipitation per week, you don't need to water. Over-watered lawn may allow diseases to take hold.  But when the weather is warm and dry, continue to water a few times a week. In the case of a new lawn or one that has been over-seeded, maintain regular watering practices to establish roots and promote growth. Let our team at Shady Tree Landscaping & Irrigation provide you with the best way to help you save money on your water bill!

 2. Continue mowing:

Grass slows down but doesn’t stop growing until it frosts over in winter, so keep mowing! In late fall cut your lawn 1 to 2 inches shorter than you have the rest of the growing season and continue to mow shorter until your grass stops growing in early winter. For the last cut, have your lawn cut slightly lower.

 3. Feed the grass:

Cool-season grass will benefit from the application of fertilizer each fall, as the nutrients provided help to ensure vigorous growth in the spring. Use a slow release granular fertilizer, and water the area well unless rainfall is imminent.

 4. Keep weeds under control:

Once the leaves and snow begin to fall, it can be difficult to eradicate future spring weeds. Begin tackling unwanted spring weeds early in the fall, when cooler temperatures and slow-growth provide the ideal environment for them to take over your lawn.

 5. Sow the seeds:

Eliminate bare patches, deter the growth of weeds, and establish new growth each spring by spreading seeds across your lawn each fall. Many patches of lawn can die during the summertime, so it’s a good idea to reseed those areas. Keep in mind, however, that seeds that don’t touch the soil won’t germinate, and it can be difficult to cover an area of grass thoroughly. Contact the Shady Trees team if you want a professionally seeded lawn that will make your yard look brand new!

 6.Don’t forget aerating:

Over the summer, your lawn has probably suffered from some degree of soil compaction and heat stress. When the soil in your lawn becomes tightly compacted, air, water, and nutrients are unable to penetrate it, resulting in brown or thinned grass. Aerating will remove soil plugs from a yard and free up passageways for precious nutrients to reach the grass roots.

 7. Rake the leaves:

It's important to remove fallen leaves from your land as soon as possible. Don't wait until all the leaves have fallen from the trees to start raking. If you do, the leaves will become wet from rain and morning dew, stick together, and form an impenetrable mat that if left unmoved will suffocate the grass and breed fungal diseases.


Have Lawn Maintenance and Care question this upcoming spring? 

Give us a call today (508) 359-6082 or contact us through the website if you need any help with your lawn maintenance or landscaping projects. We provide complete residential, commercial, municipal and athletic field, maintenance, construction and full irrigation services including installations.